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The emergence of studio apartment in the metropolitan areas of Malaysia is an apparent result of urbanisation. While the majority of us have to sacrifice our privacy for a shared home or spend a fortune on monthly rental for a decent serviced condominium, some people choose to live in a ‘shoebox apartment’ as an investment.

It is in fact a visible opportunity to own a property since this type of home won’t cost you more than RM 450,000 for a unit in a serviced apartment in big cities while the lower range falls below RM 300,000 (based on the current market listings on propsocial).

Sample of a studio apartment

Image source:

If size does matter to you after all, there is still a way to enjoy the best of both worlds! You can opt for the trending minimalist concept in home décor to maximize the living space of a 500 sqft house. Smart interior design can indeed do wonders to a small sized apartment. Let’s check out these decorating ideas to inspire your next home shopping trip!

One of the most common tricks to declutter your home is by minimizing the partition walls as it also helps to make the living space less claustrophobic. To utilise any tiny space, it is always recommended to make more room for the house’s common area like living room and kitchen while bedroom and home office can be located in a hidden space.

Living room and bedroom

If you are living on your own, the best solution is to have your living room and bedroom combined. But don’t worry, you can still enjoy your personal space by putting up a multi-purpose bookcase like this:

Image source:

Bedroom and home office

If you prefer a complete private sleeping zone, having a proper bedroom with a mini home office is still possible with the right furniture choice and placement. However, realistically speaking, it’s a big no-no to have your office space combined if you can’t resist the comfort of the bed and stay focused on working.

Image source: Pinterest

Kitchen area

As opposed to other rooms, the kitchen and dining room are typically unseparated in a shoebox apartment. You can leave out an actual dining table and make use of your mini kitchen bar to save space like this:

Image source: Pinterest

A rule of thumb when it comes to keeping the knick-knacks neatly in your cosy home and making your house more spacious is by using multi-purpose furniture. If you are unsure exactly which ones to choose, click here to read more on how to choose the perfect furniture for a small apartment.  


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@phammylinh0311 good sharing

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One of the setback for small studio apartment is that they do not take into account of good ventilation flow for heavy cooking. So light cooking is encouraged.