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The basement and the ground floor collapsed ! Fortunately, luckily no one injured :)


I'm not sure why this collapsed, but a question actually come across my mind..Are some our contractors or developers just sucks? Do u know any property developments, contractors, developers that actually quite sucks? :$ First I can think of is KLIA2 xD


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This is really scary! Luckily this didn't happen after completion when there are residents staying. I wonder who is the developer???

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hahahha, no idea, but i think malaysia always got such funny case happen :-D

James bond craig junio2006 small

How do we know if a project will be abandoned or not? Is it only when it's announced by the developer themselves? I mean I've seen quite a number abandoned projects such as the Dorsett, The Boss, previously the Laguna Residences and Main Place. I've just a bought a new project and I'm just a little worried. How do we know if they are progressing at the right pace?

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hey @james_bob , I was thinking the same too, but as i saw some of the new development, the developer will take photos and post their current progress, maybe you can try and check your developer ?

James bond craig junio2006 small

Thanks @virspirit! I might just do that now!

Dianelynn.86 small

@james_bob what's the name of the project you bought?!

And holy crap!! Looking at the street on Google Maps, isn't that project Verde by Villamas!? hmmm..... !!

P  2c3e50 small

Go and check the site frequently...

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Negligence does happened when it comes to human, the question is that what initiatives the corporate / company does to prevent negligence / malpractice

P  2c3e50 small

Probably it is not due to negligence. It is more like the companies i.e. the developers or their contractors trying to make short cuts, cutting corners to reduce cost & time and want to make more money. it is greed and lack of social responsibility on their part.

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In many cases, developers (main contractor) --> sub-contractor --> smaller contractor (builders)  and story will go on and on ;) well you know what i mean

A  c0392b small

Too many subcontrctors.. small players should be allowed to develop property.. and get license.

James bond craig junio2006 small

I totally agree with you, Coffee Addict @Aack2001. 

By the way, a bit off topic, which cafe serves the best coffee? :)

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Check this out:

PETALING JAYA: A glass ceiling collapsed at Empire Shopping Gallery in Subang Jaya at about 4pm Tuesday.

However, no one was injured in the incident, said a spokesperson from the shopping centre's management team.

When contacted, the spokesperson added that a team was already on the site of the collapsed ceiling.

"Our operations team is currently on the scene," he said.

An eyewitness who declined to be named said that he was sitting at the first floor of the shopping complex when he heard a loud bang.

He said it was raining at the time of the incident.

P  2c3e50 small

I was in Da Men in USJ 1 on the 1st day of its opening 8Jan. I sent my car for car wash that afternoon before going to Da Men. U know what happen? the whole parking area in Da Men was full of dust and if u stay too long in there, u will be suffocated. It goes without saying ...the car need to be sent to car wash again immediately the next morning.

I'm wondering why the authority allow such situation to happen. It's a health hazard!

May be bcos Malaysia Boleh!

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what?? is the situation surround there is that bad?? I was thinking to go and look the new development over there, edge residence...@.@

P  2c3e50 small

It is not the surrounding, it is inside Da Men basement car park. 

1380434 10201431210114979 1940676289 n small

i see -,- is the car park got car wash service? If there is, i think they are there for reason @.@ lolz

A  c0392b small
Just go look into the parking lot in a condo, if there is moss, greens plants growing, and wet walls, means memang ciplak la that condo quality.
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@ppnnkk2011, but I think it's because Da Men was only recently completed, it takes time for the dust to settle. I went to Evolve Concept Mall in Ara Damansara (recently just launched) and it was the same. In fact even inside the mall, you can still see it's very hazy and dusty. Even newly renovated house will have the same effect. It takes time and many many times of cleaning before it's squeaky clean :)

P  2c3e50 small

May be the authority should check the API before allowing the complex to be opened to public??? 

P  2c3e50 small

Avenue D Vogue in Section 13 can't get CCC...

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LOL check API, Paradigm's ceiling near Starbucks also collapsed before what when they initially just open its doors. How can we assure that these things wont happen tho?

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@Zara_Yeow use to quote what my friend normally joke about... "depends on your luck"

James bond craig junio2006 small

Jeez, is that true @Zara_Yeow??? Paradigm's Starbucks ceiling collapsed? Sounds really serious and scary! I hope nobody got hurt.

Goodness, sometimes it's the main contractor or sub contractor doing a bad job to cut cost.

K  2c3e50 small

The short answer is no. 

The long answer is for every accident that is highlighted, thousands more are completed without issue. However, it is true that there are better quality developers than others. Naturally, it depends on their track record and to a certain extent, the price of the property. It is expected that highend projects will get better quality than low to mid-end ones. I commonly hear, "you paid only RM xx psf and you expect top quality construction? Don't be so demanding". You could argue that quality construction should not be dependent on purchase price and I am inclined to agree but hte reality is that everything costs money and ensuring good quality requires much higher costs which are not available for lower priced properties. Sad but true. There are some encouraging spots in the industry though - I personally heard the CEO of a Contractor-turned-developer royally screw his construction team kaw kaw for poor quality of a low cost apartment they were building especially when the team explained to him that they were very happy to make do with the "honeycomb" issues because it was low cost only. My respect for this company went up several notches after that. 

P  2c3e50 small

We definitely need more CEO like the one u mentioned above...

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thank you for good sharing