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Selling a house is hard work and in some cases, a certain level of knowledge and experience in handling prospective buyers. An agent will be able to help you with all of that so you won't have to fret and worry. If your selling price is much higher than your neighbours', it may ward off buyers instead.


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What I can share is some owners do engage their friends /relatives to help them dispose of their properties. Little do they know that they (usually brokers) are not well versed on the procedures and that is where the whole problem starts , illegal mark-up, (tell owner to sell low but sell high to buyer ,  difference they make) ; deposit absconded , no market research , promise heaven to buyers but at the end it was hell all the way. AND THAT IS WHY Registered RENs/agts also gets a bad name ....."U all agents are con man." when the Public starts to generalise.

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What is your recommended solution????

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Please don't give up, try to diversify your channel of funnel.

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Hi Kaptcaptenproperty,
Wilymn Leewilymn3 has not responded. But you did with your words,  Please don't give up, try to diversify your channel of funnel. '

My take:
It is not about trying to diversity different channels.
It is about doing due diligence before selecting a channel because the purpose of doing due diligence is to determine suitability. 
So, it is important to vet to determine the right service provider.